Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

A Klickrr subscription keeps the phone number assigned to your account active for the life of the subscription. It is important for your recipients to receive messages from your organization at the same phone number.

Navigate to the inbox to view incoming messages.  Contact if you require responses to be sent to numbers other than the Klickrr number in order for us to turn on this feature.

It is an excel file that will list each number, whether the message was delivered or not and if not why.

We do not supply leads or lists. We send messages provided to lists provided.  It is your responsibility to ensure the recipients on the list have opted in to receive messages from you.

A standard SMS segment is only 160 characters inclusive of all emojis, spaces and line breaks. If you wish to send messages that include more than 160 characters, the system will simply charge you for multiple segments. There is a character counter on the message input field that will let you know how many characters and therefore segments are included in your message. Before your message is sent, the system will calculate the estimated cost of sending based on the number of segments in your message and the number of recipients on your list.

Yes, a Toll free number can be imported into the system. If you don’t already have a number that is text enabled, your account will be assigned a toll-free number. The messages will come from the phone number assigned to your account. You cannot send SMS blasts from your personal phone number. It is recommended that you identify the sender (your company or organization) in the message.

Yes, Klickrr accounts are able to send MMS messages (media messages including photos). These messages are more expensive than sending standard SMS, so we recommend sending a link in a standard SMS message that has a hero image which will show as a thumbnail photo when the message is received.

Yes, simply add a column to the contact list with the heading ‘First Name’ and/or ‘Last Name’ and include the names in these columns. You can use the following special characters in the message [FNAME] is First Name, [LNAME] is Last Name, [NAME] is “FirstName LastName”. NOTE: After special character replacement, max length of your message should be 160 characters in order to be charged for a single segment message.

We currently send to the US and Canada. Please contact us at if you need to send to another country.

  1. Create an account on Klickrr.
  2. Purchase a Klickrr subscription
  3. Navigate to contacts to upload an excel (.xlsx) file containing phone numbers in a single column with the header ‘Phone Number’.
  4. Navigate to the Outbox – Compose SMS page and compose the message.
  5. Choose the time for the message to be deployed.

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