Easy to Manage Business Texting Platform

The Klickrr texting platform is easy to use.  We've built in features to ensure reaching your customers is a seamless experience.  From multiple ways to input numbers and send messages to end to end analytics, we've built the ultimate texting machine! 


Klickrr Features

Campaigns & Threads

Send bulk texts or text one person from your Klickrr number.
Include links, photos, or even short videos.

Useful Analytics

Track messages sent, received, and even links clicked on our
easy to use dashboard.

Short Links

Shorten longer links to less than 25 characters to fit within 160
SMS character limit.

Automatic Responses

Configure a Klickrr Keyword to trigger a customized pre-written
message when someone texts it to you.

Seamless Integration/API

Embed our platform into virtually any existing software or
application such as CRMs, databases, or mobile apps.

Easy Contact Management

Upload existing lists, or build a dynamic lists using our list
builder or Klickrr Keywords.

Everything in One Place

From Shortlinks to Message Threads and Auto Responders


When sending an SMS, every character matters. Shorten links to 25 characters or less

Message Threads
Message Threads

Klickrr message threads allow for one to one conversational texting.

Auto Responders
Auto Responders

Use Klickrr Keywords to respond to inbound messages immediately

Measure campaigns

Useful Analytics

Klickrr enables teams to track sending large message deployments. We even provide a delivery report for every bulk campaign. That way, you know if your list inadvertently included a land line or two! Want to know how many people clicked on your link? We can tell you that too.

The smarter way to text

Incorporate graphs directly into presentations to showcase how successful texting campaigns are!

Contact Management

Setting up Contact Lists


  1. Already have a list? Simply upload it to your Klickrr account and start sending messages.
  2. Build a dynamic list using our complimentary, compliant list builder.
  3. Use a Klickrr Keyword to build a list of everyone who texts the Keyword into your Klickrr number.

All Klickrr accounts accommodate unlimited contacts and allow you to add or delete lists at any time.


Already have a list? Upload an excel file of contacts directly into your Klickrr account


Set up a Klickrr keyword to build a list of incoming messages when receiving texts

List Builder

Every Klickrr account is equipped with a customizable, compliant list builder.

Direct Dial

Need to send a text to one person? Input a single number and send a text. Simple and Fast!

Seamless Integrations

Already have systems and need to integrate texting? Our expert Klickrr development team can embed our platform into virtually any existing software or application. CRMs, databases, mobile apps or other software? No problem, provide our team access and we will plug the texting capability right in!

Klickrr API

Klickrr SMS API offers seamless integration for businesses to send and receive SMS messages, streamlining communication and enhancing customer engagement with ease. 

  • Dedicated & highly secured RESTful API end point
  • Backed up by AWS security for data and API safety.

Getting started with Klickrr

Join our satisfied customers and start sending texts today!

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